17 March 2011

The weekend ahead

So tomorrow is the memorial day following the quake - day off work, but really not as exciting as a usual long weekend is.  I'm not going to the memorial at Hagley - too much this year with 3 kids and even though (saying this with a degree of with survivor guilt) we are relatively unaffected "out West" I have no desire to go near the city centre (even if its just Hagley Park), go on a bus or get caught up in traffic or be in a place with thousands of others - all those things and high rise buildings have little appeal.  It also feels a bit soon - but I guess this is a memorial for the people that lost their lives (not just in death but those still alive feel like they have lost much too) mostly - so now is a good time for that .  I guess next year it will be more of a celebration of how far we have moved forward as well as a remembrance - lets hope they make that fall on 22nd February though. 

Then on Sunday its the 20th March and this is the day Ken Ring predicts another big one - I don't really follow the guy but much has been said about this date it is definitely stuck in my brain and no matter how scientific and sensible you are you can't help but have a little niggling concern.  So I plan to be pottering round at home or maybe I should protest the fear that this prediction has fed and have a day out?  Picnic in the middle of a big grassy field anyone?

So after we have the memorial and then maybe another big quake what next?  Do we go full swing into demolition and rebuilding?  Do those that are really in dire straits get resolution first?  Is there a triaging system (like they have at the hospital) on people (in terms of their property and livelihoods) too as well as buildings?  If not there should be - I think if someone phoned and said they were ready to repair our house tomorrow, I would ask them to drop us way down the list.  I am quite happy to wait for another 5 years if it means those in desperate situations are dealt with first.

And what of the rebuild?  Christchurch has this enormously fantastic opportunity to build an iconic city and suburbs - but who will be the leaders that actually ensure this occurs and ensure widespread buy in?  Who will try and lead a uniquely kiwi build instead of trying to replicate overseas cities?  What works well overseas will not always work here.  Kiwis are unique and we want to stay unique, not to try and be molded into something we aren't. 

Meanwhile chaotic family life continues - everything seems to be a little dishevelled since the EQ.  Many of our routines have fallen flat and everything seems out of kilter.  Sort of similar to what happened when Mum died - a grieving process and adjusting to a new normal.  But we re-instated the treasure box in our house for the kids and a list of expectations for each day in order to get the treasure box and yesterday and today things have started improving markedly.  Now to get them all in their own beds...................now that might take a little longer...............still I can cope with that for now!  The sweet things the kids say and do make up for all the things you wish they wouldn;t!  Today I got a letter from Kate which said in part of it "you are wonderful Mummy" - made my day, oh and Adele finally did number 2 on the toilet which means no more cleaning up pottys or carrying them everywhere (until round 3 of course but i have a bit of time up my sleeves yet before that happens). 

And to finish - something that Mum always said "Things evolve naturally" and they do - its a great thing to always remember.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to miss seeing the stars at the service but could not face Hagley Park. Crowds bother me ! But I accept an acknowledgement is required and I hope there are enough there not to embarrass Christchurch in the eye of international coverage.

    a modern safe city.... Hope they get it right!

    Routine? What routine... Limbo. Uncertainty, chaos, effort.... Nothing familiar. But enjoying some new things. We are all in the same boat. People outsiide the city prob cant understand the impact....
    Japan makes me feel humble.
