23 March 2011

Grumpy People

So our grumpy neighbours are at it again.  These neighbours don't live in our street (allthe ones in our street are lovely) but share a significant boundary with us.  Periodically they abuse us over the fence.  It is always related to noise the kids make, the abuse always involves swear words such as "shut the f**k up" and other such obsenities.  Apart from once where we may have been outside a bit too early (though according to the council website the time was perfectly acceptable) the times have ranging from 9.30am in the morning to 8pm at night where we have been abused.  Once they abused my brother-in-law when he leaned over the fence to look for a ball.  Last night (when I say night it was about 6pm) it was because the kids were squealing while Grant chased them round the garden - the sort of game kids love and she abused us and told us she was going to call the police. 

So for ages we have not let the kids outside in the morning until the grumpy neighbours, whom we have nicknamed "Bad Jelly and Dulboot" have opened their curtains.  We spend our time telling the kids to stop squealing and be quiet because of the neighbours will get upset but the reality is that it makes no difference - jumping on the trampoline is an issue, throwing a ball between 2 people (not hitting the fence).  Essentially to keep them happy we would need to never go outside. 

On the plus side we have been trying to use it as a lesson to teach the kids about how awful it is to be so grumpy.  The kids respond to that, because they don't want to be like our lovely neighbours. 

So how old are they - approximately the same age as us.  Why are they like that? Well my best guess is that they want to have kids but can't and living next to us is doing their heads in.  And if that is truly I feel for them - however life goes on and we don't deserve to be punished for it.  They live in a suburb within walking distance of a large and very popular primary school and we live in a big house.  What were they thinking buying into such a family area.

I would love my kids to be able to freely go outside, but I am forever worrying that Bad Jelly (as she is the main perpetrator) will yell at the kids.  So what do we do:
1.  Raise the stakes and cause a major "Neighbours at War" situation - hmm really want to avoid that
2. Ignore it - thought I could, but it seems that yesterdays incident has really tipped me into feeling really stressed about it so doesn;t seem to be an option
3.  Drop a copy of the "Neighbourhood Noise" phamphlet into their mail box and some Real Estate mags? 
4.  Talk to them - well ages ago I invited them over for a drink (before they started abusing us) and they declined so I basically can't be bothered and the abuse will just upset me. 
5. Move - at the moment is seeming very appealing and if we didn't have a house that needs EQ repairs (not bad but still makes its harder to move), a depressed housing market, kids, an Au Pair and 2 offices at home I think I would but it really just isn't an option in the near future
6. And I've heard lots of other ideas on Facebook which I really appreciate :)

What are we going to do - don't know yet but I'm going to have to do something so keep the ideas coming.

Thank you to all my friends who tell us we are not doing anything wrong and give suggestions of how to deal with it - not least they bring a smile to my face and remind me we are NOT at fault here.  I also appreciate the sharing of similar stories too - we aren't alone and there are some people out there that really live sad lives being so miserable they won;t even let kids play.  If you are reading this and are one of those sad people - please stop and think and remember your own childhood.  Our whole neighbourhood was filled with the sound of kids laughing, shouting, squealing and generally having fun when I was a child.  We live in the same neighbourhood now but the silence due to people like our neighbours is deafening. 

Stop being such miserable bastards and let the kids be kids! :)

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps if you let the children make a noise within accpetable time boundaries, they will feel the need to move? Let them call the police.... call their bluff.
    Always misery guts in the world - don't let thme ruin your happiness with your kids... We used to live next to a primary school - happy nosie is great :) - endless wailing is irritiating!!!!!
